How bacteria can be "tamed" for sustainable plastics production
Research team at Giessen University develops new system for tailored control of gene expression
Matthew McIntosh
The new system is called ACIT (Alphaproteobacteria chromosomally integrating transcription-control cassette). At the heart of this invention is the ability to rapidly adapt gene control mechanisms to specific bacteria and growth conditions. "Some of the known systems for controlling gene expression can be used in model organisms such as E. coli after years of fine-tuning, but do not work well in many wild types of biotechnological interest," said Dr. Matthew McIntosh. "Typical problems include weak expression or uncontrolled expression." However, the ACIT system also provides a basis for controlling gene expression in less studied bacteria.
In the study, the research team shows, among other things, that the ACIT system makes it possible to elongate a bacterial cell hundreds of times, creating more storage space for useful polymers that accumulate in the cell. For example, the fully biodegradable energy storage molecule polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB), which is used in industry as a basis for biodegradable plastic, can be produced cheaply. Controlled gene expression is useful for a variety of other biotechnological applications, as well as for studying gene regulation and function in bacteria.
Dr. Matthew McIntosh has been conducting research at JLU since 2018. His team focuses on constructing novel regulatory pathways that can optimize gene expression in any bacterium of interest, particularly for fermentation. In addition, current research projects focus on engineering microbes capable of degrading waste or other cheap biomass sources - for example, agricultural waste, waste paper or algae - to produce low-cost polymers useful to industry.
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