MIMETAS Elected Most Innovative Company of the Netherlands

04-Nov-2022 - Netherlands

MIMETAS is the winner of the Dutch Innovation Award 2022. This award recognizes the company's considerable focus on innovation, contribution to the reduction of animal experimentation, leadership, organization, cooperation with partners, and market position.

Henk Volberda, chairman of the jury and professor of Strategy & Innovation at the University of Amsterdam: “MIMETAS is world-leading. Since its foundation in 2013, the company has grown considerably, with branches in Europe, the USA, and Asia. It can now count the largest pharmaceutical companies worldwide among its partners. With its miniaturized organs-on-a-chip, MIMETAS has found a promising approach to enable major advancements in the pharmaceutical industry.”

“The whole MIMETAS team is extremely proud to receive this recognition with such a distinguished pedigree,” says Jos Joore, CEO of MIMETAS, “Being a global organization today, we greatly appreciate this recognition from the audience and jury in our home country. We believe the strong innovation backbone in the Netherlands has nurtured the radical innovation mindset of MIMETAS. This mindset is absolutely required to keep changing how we develop new therapies, address unsolved diseases and reduce animal testing.”

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