A molecular machine at work
Researchers unravel the assembly of an enzyme that detoxifies the greenhouse gas N₂O
Group Einsle
Components of a molecular machine isolated and characterized
With regard to biotechnological applications of N2O reductase, it is crucial to understand and control the supply of copper ions during the assembly of the enzyme in the cell. The scientists* have therefore isolated the components of a multi-part molecular machine that accomplishes this assembly and characterized them using cryo-electron microscopy. They have presented their work in Nature.
Mechanical process: maturation of the metal centers of N2O reductase.
The maturation of the metal centers of N2O reductase is a surprisingly mechanical process in which conformational changes of the membrane protein NosDFY are triggered by the consumption of biochemical energy in the cell. This enables the complex to accept a single copper ion from a special transport protein, NosL, and then offer it to the still copper-free or only partially assembled N2O reductase.
New function discovered
Using a variety of high-resolution structural models, the researchers were able to map and understand the individual steps of this complex process in great detail. They discovered a previously undescribed function of this important class of membrane proteins and took a major step toward harnessing the enzyme N2O reductase to reduce atmospheric nitrous oxide.
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