Avontec broadens US patent protection for its lead candidate AVT-01 decoy ODN

09-Jul-2009 - Germany

Avontec GmbH announced that the US Patent and Trademark office has granted a further patent on the company’s lead development candidate AVT-01 decoy ODN.

Patent no. US 7 485 628 relates in general to oligonucleotide based inhibitors of the transcription factor STAT-1 and their medical use. This new patent broadens the protection for the company’s lead development candidate AVT-01 decoy ODN to additional indications not yet covered by the previous patent already granted in the US. Avontec’s patents protecting the compound AVT-01 decoy ODN and its medical use in various indications are now granted in the USA, Europe, Australia, China, and Russia and are pending in PCT member states including Japan, Canada and India.

“With the granting of US 7 485 628 our lead compound AVT-01 decoy ODN is now embraced by two independent families of patents in the US providing extended protection. The granting of this patent is an important step in obtaining global patent protection for our most advanced development candidate, and it further strengthens Avontec’s leading position in the development of targeted decoy oligonucleotide based therapies.” commented Dr. Thomas Schulze, CEO of Avontec.

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