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Umph is an effervescent tablet which can be dissolved into a beverage in order to add caffeine and other ingredients which are intended to provide energy. It can be added to water, juice, or most other drinks as an alternative to energy drinks or caffeine pills.

Due to the ability of Umph to be added to any beverage, it can provide both convenience and cost savings as compared to bottled energy drinks. Also, because it is absorbed into a liquid, the manufacturer claims that it will cause less stomach irritation than caffeine pills, and that it will be absorbed more completely into the bloodstream.

Active ingredients

Umph contains other ingredients, but these are the ingredients which specifically claim to provide energy.

  • Caffeine (99mg)
  • Vitamin B6 (0.75mg)
  • Ginseng Root (30mg)

This amount of caffeine is equal to approximately two 12 ounce caffeinated soft drinks, (approx.)one cup of coffee, or one half of a Vivarin tablet.

See also

The term "umph" is also an abbreviation for the American progressive rock band Umphrey's McGee.


  • CSPI: Caffeine Content of Foods and Drugs Chart
This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Umph". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia.
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