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UK PubMed Central (UKPMC)UK PubMed Central (UKPMC) is an on-line database that offers open access to a vast and growing collection of biomedical and health research information. Additional recommended knowledgeThe service, which was launched in January 2007 by the British Library, is based on the model of the American PubMed Central database. Initially, UK PubMed Central provides a local mirror of the collection of full-text biomedical research articles of the PubMed Central database. In addition, UK PubMed Central currently offers a manuscript submission system, which allows scientists to submit their peer-reviewed research articles for inclusion in the UK PubMed Central collection. Plans for the future include the development of further UK-specific services, community forums, and enhanced content, such as links from the UKPMC collection to molecular and medical datasets. In this way, UK PubMed Central will grow into a unique online resource representing the UK's research output in biomedical and health research. The contract to develop a UK-version of the American PubMed Central database was awarded to the British Library together with University of Manchester and the European Bioinformatics Institute by a nine-strong group of UK research funders, led by the Wellcome Trust, in July 2006. Many members of this group now require that articles describing the results of research they have supported are made available in UK PubMed Central with the aim of maximising its impact. UK PubMed Central will ensure that articles resulting from research paid for by any member of the funding consortium will become freely available. UKPMC is supported by the Arthritis Research Campaign, the Association of Medical Research Charities, the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, the British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK, the Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Executive Health Department, the Department of Health, the Joint Information Systems Committee, the Medical Research Council, and the Wellcome Trust. |
This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "UK_PubMed_Central_(UKPMC)". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia. |
- Pseudomonas
- Reproducen artificialmente las funciones de aprendizaje y olvido del cerebro con sistemas magnéticos
- Bulimie
- Reciclaje de CO₂ y desarrollo eficiente de fármacos: abordar dos problemas con una sola reacción - El trabajo marca un avance especialmente grande, ya que el CO₂ se utiliza para llevar a cabo un tipo de transformación tradicionalmente difícil con una eficiencia sin precedentes
- Inotropie