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Triploid Syndrome

  Triploid Syndrome is an extremely rare chromosomal disorder. Individuals with triploid syndrome have three of every chromosome for a total of sixty-nine rather than the normal forty-six chromosomes. Babies with Triploid Syndrome usually are lost through early miscarriage. However, some infants have been born and survived as long as five months. Affected infants are usually small and have multiple birth defects. Those that survive are usually mosaic, meaning that some cells have the normal number of 46 chromosomes and some cells have a complete extra set of chromosomes.

Also Known As

  • Chromosome Triploidy Syndrome
  • Triploidy
  • Triploidy Syndrome
  • 3n Syndrome
  • Diploid/Triploid Mixoploidy
  • 2n/3n Mixoploidy

References and Links

  • More Info about this Syndrome
  • More on this Syndrome on Yahoo Health
This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Triploid_Syndrome". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia.
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