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Transpersonal psychiatry

Transpersonal psychiatry may be considered an application of the teachings of transpersonal psychology to medical matters. It is, therefore, closely allied to therapy which adopts a transpersonal perspective, a topic which has been written about by Boorstein (1980) and for which John Rowan has discussed different streams, such as the Jungian, psychosynthetic and neuro-linguistic approaches.

However, since psychiatrists must have had medical training, transpersonal psychiatrists can be said to differ from transpersonal psychologists and psychotherapists by possession of a medical degree. It still seems likely, however, that many questions which confront transpersonal psychology in a clinical context will also be of interest to transpersonal psychiatrists.


  • Boorstein, S. (1980) (ed.). Transpersonal Psychotherapy, Palo Alto, California, Science and Behaviour Books.

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Transpersonal_psychiatry". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia.
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