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Tippy toes
Tippy toes describes the human body posture and locomotion of removing the heel(s) of one or both feet from the ground. It is quite often used as a slang when the weight is placed on the balls of the feet, rather than literally the tips of the toes (which is very difficult), although it could still be used in that case (as in ballet). Additional recommended knowledge
GrammarWhile commonly used as a children's slang, and not technically, it is simpler and faster to say 'on tippy toes' than "on the balls of the feet" (as saying "on the balls" might be misinterpreted). Furthermore, it has use as a verb, "to tip-toe", which is incredibly simpler to say than "to walk on the balls of the feet". KinesiologyTo go into tippy toes, the ankle must be flexed to raised the heel off the ground. This requires the engagement of the calf muscle, along with various other muscles in the foot and shin to stabilize the joint. Even with this, this form is often less stable, requiring the engaging of muscles within the torso and a better sense of weight for the person, to stay balanced. There is generally some movement, even subtle, in the ankle, as holding it statically would make balance difficult, so it is the first to give. UsesHeightRaising up on the toes will increase someone's height and reach. It is used often to make someone appear taller, whether in an engagement, or when measuring one's height. It is also used to reach objects that are higher up than one can reach when on one's heels. QuietnessWalking only on the balls of the foot greatly reduces the surface area of the foot on the ground, allowing what does touch the ground to be more carefully placed, which is useful for avoiding twigs. The disadvantage is that it will also focus the weight, which leaves greater indentations and exerts more pressure. This will commonly happen in walking, but can be slowly controlled, so it is more a factor for when wearing shoes in the dark (or when one has one's eyes or attention averted elsewhere), when obstructions cannot be felt with bare feet, or seen. Moving quickly on tip toes is generally quieter, as the calf muscle can absorb much of the impact. The heel directly striking the ground is quite noisy, and often painful in bare unconditioned feet. Many believe that running heel-toe is quite unnatural and that our build is more accommodating to tip toe running. Prowling about on tippy-toes is the stereotypical candor of a thief or spy, often accompanied by light tones sounding upon each of his or her steps. RotationWhen rotating on either one leg or two, the body requires reducing friction. Raising to one leg is often one source of doing this, although since it doubles the weight on the other leg, it is not effective, so is mainly done when the other leg is used to torque to increase a spin, or very quickly so that the mass is more in the air, and has not settled on the other foot. The main method of decreasing the friction, is decreasing the surface area of the foot. This is done by either going on the heel of the foot, ball of the foot, or sometimes, the toe/toes of the feet (often only possible by very light people, such as Rose in Titanic, or those with ballet shoes for En pointe known as pointe shoes, or ice skates). The reduction of surface area is not actually what decreases the friction, however. Rather, the weight of the body is centred above the point of contact, so that the centre of gravity occurs on the axis of rotation. This allows a faster spin with far less force placed upon the stabilizers. Bringing in the limbs (much like on a spinning swing) also accelerates this. With two legs, the centre of gravity would still occur on the axis of rotation, and be centred directly between the two points of contact. This is utilized in dance (namely ballet, with Relevé, Elevé/rise, and ), martial arts, footbag, and anything else that requires dynamic twists, changes in direction, and spins. The friction of rotation is still considerable, however, and tends to wear, toughen, and polish the area of the foot being rotated upon. As a comparison, in breakdancing, those who perform headspins often go bald. The foot is more tailored to absorbing and benefitting from such rotations, although perhaps not so much on hard level surfaces, as our natural environment usually is uneven and has some give. This is why it is easier and safer to do by implementing one of two factors:
Rotating on the ball of the foot is normally preferred due to the normal advantage of tippy toe, and the springyness of the body, which is why many martial arts encourage sparring opponents to stay on tip toe the entire match, for better movement as well as rotation. As there are actually two surfaces to the ball of the foot, and toes to grip, it also allows better control. In theory, however, rotation on the ball of the foot is actually much faster. The main problem being, the danger of either falling backwards, or of not keeping up the pose, falling back on the balls of the foot. Twists done on the heel of the foot are often quick twists, done leaning backwards while bringing the foot upwards in an arc, so that it is more of a controlled fall that the other foot can come out and stabilize. Literal tip toeWhile it is possible to literally tip-toe, it does not seem biomechanically viable. Toes are becoming vestigial to humans, and while strong enough to temporarily support bodyweight, would not likely be able to accommodate the rotational forces of spinning (especially while keeping rigid, and balanced) involved in spinning. As the big toe is prominent, literal tip toe would involve raising upon the big toe, otherwise the legs would require outward rotation to make other toes touch, rotation out mostly at the hips, although risking injury in the knees if not done properly. It is an impressive stunt, much akin to finger-tip push ups, although not as visually obvious, making it difficult to evaluate, as toes are shorter and wider, making the difference between the tips and pads of the toes (as in fingers) far more difficult to discern. |
This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Tippy_toes". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia. |
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