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The National Medical Journal of India

The National Medical Journal of India
Abbreviated title Natl Med J India
Discipline peer-reviewed medical journal
Language English
Publication details
Publisher All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi (India)
Publication history Founded 1988
Frequency Bimonthly
Open access Yes
ISSN 0970-258X
  • Journal homepage

The National Medical Journal of India (Natl Med J India or NMJI; ISSN 0970-258X) is a premier peer-reviewed bi-monthly multi-disciplinary health sciences journal published from India. Its office is located at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. It is widely indexed and abstracted in all the major abstracting services including Index Medicus (Medline), Current Contents-Clinical Medicine, Excerpta Medica and BIOSIS. It is one of the few Indian biomedical journals that are indexed in the Science Citation Index, which is considered to be the best 'quality' indexing service.

The journal was started in 1988 and it has eminent persons in health sciences from India and abroad as members of its editorial board. The Journal is widely accepted as amongst the best Indian medical journals. As per the Journal Citation Reports, it had an impact factor of 0.614 and immediacy index of 0.229 for the year 2005.

The journal aims to inform, educate and entertain its readers through its myriad columns which include Editorials, Original Articles, Review Articles, Selected Summaries, Letters from Chennai, Mumbai, London and Glasgow, Clinical Case Reports, Book Reviews, Clinico-pathological Conferences, Everyday Practice, Masala and News from Here and There. It provides for analysis and advocacy of issues relevant to health policy and health provider training through sections on 'Medicine and Society' and 'Medical Education'. It also gives opportunity for expression of individual opinions on healthcare through its column 'Speaking for Myself'. The journal accepts approximately 25% of all the manuscripts submitted to it for publication.

Editors of the Journal have included Prof Samiran Nundy [1988-1996; currently Emeritus Editor], Prof KS Reddy [1997-2003] and Dr Peush Sahni [2004 onwards].

The journal is available on the web at

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "The_National_Medical_Journal_of_India". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia.
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