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Surrey Counselling and Psychotherapy Initiative

The Surrey Counselling and Psychotherapy initiative (SCPi) (commonly pronounced skippy) is a group of experienced therapists currently working in the Surrey area. The group meets regularly and offers members the opportunity to share their expertise and to gain support from other members, developing their collective skills. Group members have a wide variety of qualifications and expertise in different disciplines of Counselling and Psychotherapy. Their website seeks to offer assistance to clients who are searching for a Counsellor or Psychotherapist in Surrey by providing contact and training information on the therapists. [1]



SCPi was established by Leslie Lund in May 2004. She started the initiative by contacting BACP and UKCP accredited counsellors in Surrey and opening her home as a meeting space. They are now a growing number of experienced, qualified and accredited therapists who feel passionate about their work and the positive effect it can have on the Surrey community. They cover a wide range of counselling schools including: Gestalt, Transactional Analysis, Humanistic, Integrative, Psychodynamics, Psychoanalysis, Psychosexual, Individual, Groups, Couples, Child and Adolescents, Transpersonal and growing.

Mission of the initiative [2]

  1. to use the group for the therapist’s individual and collective continuous professional development through sharing their expertise within the group for the benefit of all.
  1. maintain the highest standards of ethical practice
  1. provide a central source for clients in Surrey to find a therapist
  1. provide information on which school/discipline would be best for each client and their presenting issue

Meeting Format

Each meeting is split into two sections the first part is a general discussion on the group and developments since the last meeting. After coffee and networking we move onto the themed workshop. Over the last year members of the group have presented on a wide range of topics including, Sexuality, Intercultural Therapy, Working with Children and Adolescents, Working in Organisations and many more. All of these hours are eligible as Continued Professional Development (CPD) hours.


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  2. ^ [
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