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Robyn Landis

Robyn Landis is an author, public speaker and folk singer from the northwestern United States. At age 25 she wrote a book called Bodyfueling which became a surprise best seller. Bodyfueling is a term she coined and has utilized to promote her phillosophy of increased health and happiness through knowing the important details about how your body works and the important interactions between nutrition and exercise. Bodyfueling is an approach to health and fitness that emphasizes a thorough understanding of how the human body uses food and reacts to exercise. It places a heavy emphasis on breaking away from "diet thinking" and encourages people to concentrate instead on eating for performance, eating in accordance with your levels of physical activity and increasing your level of physical activity is proscribed in many cases. Simply stated, Bodyfueling advocates "eat more, exercise more" as a key to fitness rather than "eat less, exercise more", which Landis indicates is a recipe for disaster.

During the last ten years she has studied traditional herbal medicine with Karta Purkh Singh Khalsa. This has led her to publish a more recent book called Herbal Defense.

She also designs and maintains a host of websites on the internet and does speaking engagements supporting a range of projects; principally: health and fitness, ecologically conscious shopping, natural remedies and eco-political activism.


  • Robyn Landis author bio
  • The Eco Shopper profile
  • biography

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