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Reactive Psychological Disorder

Reactive Psychological Disorder is a disorder that affects a person's emotional state. A person with this disorder experiences everything in the world to a much higher degree than is normal. Certain sounds, smells, and sights can instantly change their mental state from content to depressed. The disorder is different from that of Bipolar Disorder in that the individual's emotions are triggered by the environment they are in and the people they are with as opposed to their inner world. Symptoms include, but are not limited to: very strong emotions attached to certain scents and foods (so much so that those with unpleasant feelings attached to them are avoided at all costs), feeling one minute like dying and the next loving life so much you think you are going to burst, refusing to go certain places for emotional or 'atmospheric' reasons. A person with Reactive Psychological Disorder is constantly in fear of their surroundings 'taking them over'; shifting them from that content state to one of complete sadness. The disorder is one that can easily go unnoticed by family and friends because the individual's acute reactions to the environment are mental and usually remain in their head.

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Reactive_Psychological_Disorder". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia.
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