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Psilohydrocannabinol or more commonly "Shroomabis"[1] is a narcotic drug made by the fussing of Cannabis and Psilocybin mushrooms. The new drug is not yet sold globally being strictly a British or even more specifically South Wales[2] where the afore mentioned ingredients are common place. It has not been confirmed but it is reputed that Bleddyn Baker and Richard Wild where first thought to have manufactured it[3]



Psilohydrocannabinol is relatively easy to produce needing only basic equipment such as a stove and beakers. The mushrooms are cut up and boiled in citric acid commonly orange juice, next the cannabis is ground up and boiled in a high proof alcoholic beverage. The two liquids are mixed.[4]


Shroomabis is a orange brown to green brown depending on the volume of the substances used. It as been reported to taste like gin or other alcoholic beverages but with and organic aftertaste.[5]It is normally sold in 60 ml vials.


The effects Psilohydrocannabinol are similar to that of Psilocybin mushrooms only chances of a bad trip and nausea are severely reduced thanks to the cannabis also if to much is taking it can lead to the user getting drunk[6]


The formula for psilohydrocannabinol itself is C33 H47 N2 O6 P and the formula for shroomabis is C94 H153 N2 O19 P


  1. ^ south wales evening post 16/9/07
  2. ^ South wales pd 2006 drug review
  3. ^ see source 2
  4. ^ see source 2
  5. ^ December 2006 TrIpPiNg magazine
  6. ^ see source 5

See also


Psilocybin mushrooms


This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Psilohydrocannabinol". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia.
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