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Podiatric medical school

Podiatric Medical School commonly referred to as "Podiatry School" is the term used to designate the medical institutions in the United States which educate students and train them to be a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (D.P.M.) or Podiatrist.

Podiatric Medical Schools consist of four years of medical education with the first two focusing primarily upon the sciences and the last two focusing upon clinical and externship experience. After proper completion of these four years of education, students receive a D.P.M. or Doctor of Podiatric Medicine, after which time they are required to complete a two or three year residency program before practicing podiatric medicine.

There are eight podiatric medical schools in the United States and a ninth being added in 2009 at Western University of Health Sciences. Six of the eight podiatric medical schools in the United States are affiliated with colleges or universities, while the remaining two continue to exist as independent academic institutions. Two programs are currently integrated with DO medical programs, Des Moines University College of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery and the Arizona Podiatric Medicine Program at Midwestern University (AZPOD).

These schools are all governed by the American Association of Colleges of Podiatric Medicine and The Council on Podiatric Medical Education. In addition, students are represented by the American Podiatric Medical Student's Association. Each school is also accredited by their respective state and/or regional accrediting association.

The eight podiatric medical schools in the U.S. are:

See also

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Podiatric_medical_school". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia.
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