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Pelvic fracture

Pelvic fracture
Classification & external resources
ICD-9 808
DiseasesDB 9739
eMedicine emerg/203 

Pelvic fracture is a disruption of the bony structure of the pelvis. The most common cause in elderly is a fall, but the most significant fractures involve high-energy forces such as a motor vehicle accident or a fall from significant height. Diagnosis is made on the basis of history, clinical features and special investigations usually including x-ray and CT. Pelvic fractures may produce significant bleeding. Emergency treatment consists of Advanced Trauma Life Support management. After stabilisation, the pelvis may be surgically reconstructed.

One specific kind of pelvic fracture is known as an 'open book' fracture. This is often the result from a heavy impact to the groin (pubis), a common motorcycling accident. In this kind of injury, the left and right halves of the pelvis are separated at front and rear, the front opening more than the rear, i.e like opening a book. Depending on the severity, this may require surgical reconstruction before rehabilitation. See

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