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Patient lift


A patient lift (sometimes hoist) is a mechanical device that is used in health care to transfer physically disabled patients. There are three basic types of patient lifts: mobile lifts, overhead lifts and sit-to-stand lifts. Today, overhead lifts, which are the most common type, are often installed when new hospitals, nursing homes, etc. are built.

Together with a patient lift, some type of sling, normally made of textile fabric such as cotton or polyester, is used. Slings are available in many different models and variants for optimal function in different lifting situations e.g., lifting to/from bed, to/from the toilet or for turning the patient in bed.

In hospitals, patient lifts that are specially designed for horizontal lifting, i.e., lifting the patient in a prone position, for example, to an operating table, are common.

The main rationale for using patient lifts is to prevent occupational injuries that can be caused by repeated manual lifting. Normally, much consideration is also given to the patient’s comfort and wellbeing. Today, the use of patient lifts is considered a more dignified means of transferring a patient than manual lifting and transfer.

Many leading manufacturers of patient lifts are Scandinavian; e.g., Liko, Scandinavian Mobility and Human Care.

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Patient_lift". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia.
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