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PEPPADEP is the acronym for Programme pour l’Eradication de la Peste Porcine Africaine et pour le Developpment de l'Elvage Porcin or the African Swine Fever Eradication and Swine Industry Development Project, a development project launched in 1981 by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; the Interamericano Institute de Ciencias Agricola (IICA), a branch of the Organization of American States; the International Development Bank; the governments of Mexico, Canada, the United States; and the government of Haiti to "eliminate the debilitating effects of African Swine Fever (ASF) in Haiti and to begin development of a productive swine industry."[1]

African Swine Fever, though it endangers neither humans nor other animals, decimates swine populations because it has neither vaccinations nor medications to stymie the spread of the fever. When AFS first made its appearance in the Dominican Republic, the Haitian government ordered the extermination of all Haitian swine on the border within a radius of 15 kilometers-100,000 pigs were slaughtered. The peasants received no compensation for the losses they suffered and the preventive measure failed to stop the disease from spreading. In late 1978 ASF spread to Haiti and the peasantry was devastated. Haiti's northern neighbors watched the spread with apprehension. Studies indicated that if African Swine Fever ever came to the United States it could wreak $150 million to $5 billion worth of damage. This fear lead the American, Canadian, and Mexican governments, through IICA, imposed a Swine Fever eradication plan on the Haitian government. This plan, PEPPADEP, was simple: kill all the swine in Haiti and restock the swine population with foreign pigs-either from the United States, Canada, or Mexico.[1]

ASF is a highly contagious viral disease infecting domestic pigs, warthogs and bush pigs, as well as soft ticks. The virus causes a lethal haemorraghic disease in domestic pigs; some strains can cause death of animals within as little as a week after infection. The disease was first recorded in Kenya in 1921 and is found in most sub-Saharan African countries. It spread to southern Europe in 1957 and the Caribbean in the 1970s.[2] ASF made its way from Europe or Africa to the Dominican Republic, and spread to Haiti in the late 1970s.


  1. ^ a b Porkbarreling Pigs in Haiti
  2. ^ Disease factsheet: African Swine Fever

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