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Models of DNA evolutionA number of different Markov models of DNA sequence evolution have been proposed. This is because evolutionary processes vary between genomes and between different regions of a genome, for example different evolutionary processes apply to coding and noncoding regions. These models mostly differ in the parametrization of the rate matrix and in the modeling of rate variation. Additional recommended knowledge
DNA Evolution as a Continuous Time Markov ChainContinuous Time Markov ChainsContinuous-time Markov chains have the usual transition matrices
which are, in addition, parameterized by time,
Example: We would like to model the substitution process in DNA sequences (i.e. Jukes-Cantor, Kimura, etc.) in a continuous time fashion. The corresponding transition matrices will look like:
where the top-left and bottom-right Assumption: If at some time Theorem: Continuous-time transition matrices satisfy: Deriving the Dynamics of SubstitutionConsider a DNA sequence of fixed length m evolving in time by base replacement. Assume that the processes followed by the m sites are Markovian independent, identically distributed and constant in time. For a fixed site, let be the column vector of probabilities of states be the state-space. For two distinct
be the transition rate from state The changes in the probability distribution In other words (in frequentist language), the frequency of Similarly for the probabilities where, or, alternately: where, ErgodicityIf all the transition probabilities, Definition A Markov process is stationary if its current distribution is the stationary distribution, i.e. Time ReversibilityDefinition: A stationary Markov process is time reversible if (in the steady state) the amount of change from state Not all stationary processes are reversible, however, almost all DNA evolution models assume time reversibility, which is considered to be a reasonable assumption. Under the time reversibility assumption, let Definition The symmetric term Corollary The 12 off-diagonal enteries of the rate matrix, Most Common Models of DNA EvolutionJC69 model (Jukes and Cantor, 1969)JC69 is the simplest substitution model. There are several assumptions. It assumes equal base frequencies ( Distance between two sequences is given by where p is the proportion of sites that differ between the two sequences.
K80 model (Kimura, 1980)Distinguish between Transition(A <-> G within purines or T <-> C within pyrimidines) and Transversion(between purines and pyrimidines) (α/β) Equal base frequencies ( Rate matrix The Kimura two-parameter distance is given by: where P is the proportion of sites that show transitional differences and Q is the proportion of sites that show transversional differences.
F81 model (Felsenstein 1981)Unequal base frequencies ( Rate matrix
HKY85 model (Hasegawa, Kishino and Yano 1985)Distinguish between Transition and Transversion (α/β) Unequal base frequencies ( Rate matrix
T92 model (Tamura 1992)One frequency only πGC
The evolutionary distance between two noncoding sequences according to this model is given by where h = 2θ(1 − θ) where
TN93 model (Tamura and Nei 1993)Distinguish between two different types of Transition (A <-> G) is different to (C<->T) Unequal base frequencies ( Rate matrix
GTR: Generalised time reversibleGTR is the most general neutral, independent, finite-sites, time-reversible model possible. It was first described in a general form by Simon Tavaré in 1986. The GTR parameters consist of an equilibrium base frequency vector, Π = (π1π2π3π4), giving the frequency at which each base occurs at each site, and the rate matrix Therefore, GTR (for four characters, as is often the case in phylogenetics) requires 6 substitution rate parameters, as well as 4 equilibrium base frequency parameters. However, this is usually eliminated down to 9 parameters plus μ, the overall number of substitutions per unit time. When measuring time in substitutions (μ=1) only 9 free parameters remain. In general, to compute the number of parameters, you count the number of entries above the diagonal in the matrix, i.e. for n trait values per site For example, for an amino acid sequence (there are 20 "standard" amino acids that make up proteins), you would find there are 209 parameters. However, when studying coding regions of the genome, it is more common to work with a codon substitution model (a codon is three bases and codes for one amino acid in a protein). There are 43 = 64 codons, but the rates for transitions between codons which differ by more than one base is assumed to be zero. Hence, there are
Categories: Bioinformatics | Phylogenetics | Computational phylogenetics |
This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Models_of_DNA_evolution". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia. |