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Micromastia, or breast hypoplasia, is a medical term describing the postpubertal underdevelopment of a woman's breast tissue.[1] Just as it is impossible to define 'normal' breast size, there is no objective definition of micromastia. This condition may be a congenital defect as in the case of true hypoplasia, related to underlying abnormalities of the pectoral muscle (as in Poland's syndrome[2]), or it may be a more subjective aesthetic description.

Self perceived micromastia involves a discrepancy between a person's body image, and her internalized images of appropriate or desirable breast size and shape. Societal ideals over breast size vary over time, but there exist many conceived ideas involving breasts and sexual attractiveness and identity across different cultures.

The procedure to remedy micromastia is most commonly augmentation mammplasty using breast implants. Other techniques available involve using muscle flap-based reconstructive surgery techniques (latissimus dorsi and rectus abdominus muscles), microsurgical reconstruction, or fat grafting.


Other uses

Micromastia is also the name given to a genus of sac fungi. The two known members are Micromastia fimicola.[1] and Micromastia trigonospora.[2]


  1. ^
  2. ^ Poland, Alfred (1841). "Deficiency of the pectoral muscles". Guy’s Hospital Reports VI: 191-193.

See also


  1. ^
  2. ^ Poland, Alfred (1841). "Deficiency of the pectoral muscles". Guy’s Hospital Reports VI: 191-193.
This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Micromastia". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia.
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