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Logrank testThe logrank test (sometimes called the Mantel-Haenszel test or the Mantel-Cox test) [1] is a hypothesis test to compare the survival distributions of two samples. It is a nonparametric test and appropriate to use when the data are right censored (technically, the censoring must be non-informative). It is widely used in clinical trials to establish the efficacy of new drugs compared to a control group (often a placebo) when the measurement is the time to event (such as a heart attack). Additional recommended knowledge
DefinitionThe logrank test statistic compares estimates of the hazard functions of the two groups at each observed event time. It is constructed by computing the observed and expected number of events in one of the groups at each observed event time and then adding these to obtain an overall summary across all time points where there is an event. Let j = 1, ..., J be the distinct times of observed events in either group. For each time j, let N1j and N2j be the number of subjects "at risk" (have not yet had an event or been censored) at the start of period j in the groups respectively. Let Nj = N1j + N2j. Let O1j and O2j be the observed number of events in the groups respectively at time j, and define Oj = O1j + O2j. Given that Oj events happened across both groups at time j, under the null hypothesis O1j has the hypergeometric distribution with parameters Nj, N1j, and Oj. This distribution has expected value The logrank statistic compares each O1j to its expectation Ej under the null hypothesis and is defined as Asymptotic DistributionIf the two groups have the same survival function, the logrank statistic is approximately standard normal. A one-sided level α test will reject the null hypothesis if Z > zα where zα is the upper α quantile of the standard normal distribution. If the hazard ratio is λ, there are n total subjects, d is the probability a subject in either group will eventually have an event, and the proportion of subjects randomized to each group is 50%, then the logrank statistic is approximately normal with mean Joint DistributionSuppose Z1 and Z2 are the logrank statistics at two different time points in the same study (Z1 earlier). Again, assume the hazard functions in the two groups are proportional with hazard ratio λ and d1 and d2 are the probabilities that a subject will have an event at the two time points. Z1 and Z2 are approximately bivariate normal with means Relationship to Other Statistics
See also
This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Logrank_test". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia. |