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List of subjects in Gray's Anatomy: I. Embryology


the animal cell (Gray's s2)

Gray's page #35
Gray's page #36
Gray's page #37
Gray's page #38
  • Telophase

the ovum (Gray's s3)

Gray's page #38
Gray's page #39
Gray's page #40
Gray's page #41
Gray's page #42
  • female pronucleus

the spermatozoön (Gray's s4)

Gray's page #42
Gray's page #43
  • neck
  • anterior centriole
  • connecting piece or body
  • terminal disk
  • axial filament
  • spiral thread
  • mitochondria sheath
  • tail
  • end-piece
  • spermatogonia
  • primary spermatocytes
  • secondary spermatocytes
  • spermatids

fertilization of the ovum (Gray's s5)

Gray's page #44
Gray's page #45
  • cone of attraction
  • vitelline membrane
  • male pronucleus
  • segmentation nucleus

segmentation of the fertilized ovum (Gray's s6)

Gray's page #45
Gray's page #46
  • morula
  • trophoblast
  • inner cell-mass
  • blastodermic vesicle
  • embryonic pole
Gray's page #47
  • syncytium or syncytiotrophoblast
  • cytotrophoblast or layer of Langhans
  • amniotic cavity
  • embryonic disk
  • embryonic ectoderm

Primitive streak

Gray's page #47
  • primitive streak
  • Hensen's knot
  • primitive groove
  • blastophore
  • buccopharyngeal membrane
  • pericardial area
  • proamniotic area
  • proamnion
  • cloacal membrane


Gray's page #48
  • Ectoderm


Gray's page #49


Gray's page #49
Gray's page #50
  • paraxial mesoderm
  • lateral mesoderm
  • intermediate cell-mass
  • lateral mesoderm
    • somatic layer
      • somatopleure
    • splanchnic layer
      • splanchnopleure
  • celom

the neural groove and tube (Gray's s7)

Gray's page #50
  • neural folds
  • neural groove
  • neural tube or neural canal
  • neurenteric canal
Gray's page #51
  • sinus rhomboidalis
  • neural crest or ganglion ridge
  • fore-brain (prosencephalon)
  • mid-brain (mesencephalon)
  • hind-brain (rhombencephalon)
Gray's page #52

the notochord (Gray's s8)

Gray's page #52

the primitive segments (Gray's s9)

Gray's page #52
  • primitive segments
  • myocœl
  • intermediate cell-mass

separation of the embryo (Gray's s10)

Gray's page #53
  • Cephalic fold of embryo
  • Caudal fold of embryo
  • fore-gut
  • body-stalk
  • hind-gut
Gray's page #54

the yolk-sac (Gray's s11)

Gray's page #54

development of the fetal membranes and placenta (Gray's s12)

Gray's page #54
  • Allantois
Gray's page #56
  • Allantois
    • body-stalk
Gray's page #57
Gray's page #58
Gray's page #59
  • Implantation or Imbedding of the Ovum
    • intervillous space
  • Decidua
    • decidual cells
    • stratum compactum
Gray's page #60
  • Chorion
    • cytotrophoblast or layer of Langhans
    • syncytiotrophoblast
    • chorionic villi
Gray's page #61
Gray's page #62
  • Placenta
  • Fetal portion
Gray's page #63
  • Maternal portion
    • basal plate
    • cotyledons
Gray's page #64
  • Separation of the Placenta
    • after-birth
    • cotyledons
Gray's page #65
  • Separation of the Placenta
    • velamentous insertion

the branchial region (Gray's s13)

Gray's page #65
Gray's page #66
Gray's page #67
  • mandibular arch (first branchial arch)
    • third branchial arch
    • fourth branchial arch
    • fifth branchial arch
    • sixth branchial arch
    • sinus cervicalis
  • sinus tonsillaris
  • Nose and Face
    • olfactory areas
    • fronto-nasal process
Gray's page #68
  • Nose and Face
    • olfactory pits
    • medial nasal process
    • lateral nasal process
    • globular processes of His
    • nasal laminae
Gray's page #69
  • Nose and Face
    • columella
  • maxillary process
    • naso-optic furrow
Gray's page #70
Gray's page #71

development of the body cavities (Gray's s14)

Gray's page #72

the form of the embryo at different stages of its growth (Gray's s15)

Gray's page #74
  • Embryo, form of, at different stages:

See also

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