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Limited symptom attack

Limited Symptom Attack (Limited Symptom Panic Attack or LPA/LSA) denotes a milder, less comprehensive panic attack with less than 4 panic related symptoms being experienced (APA 1994). Limited symptom attacks often manifest in anxiety disorders, phobias, panic disorder and agoraphobia. However, experiencing a limited symptom attack is not necesarrily indicative of mental illness. Often persons recovering from and/or being treated for panic attacks and panic disorder will experience Limited Symptom Attacks.



The term limited symptom attack (LPA) refers to a panic attack with less than four symptoms. For example, a sudden episode of intense dizziness or trembling accompanied by fear that something terrible is about to happen. Many people with panic disorder have a mixture of full blown and limited symptom attacks.


During a limited symptom attack less than 4 of the following symptoms would be experienced:


As with a panic attack a limited symptom attack typically peaks in 10 minutes. However, attacks can be short lived as well- 1 to 5 minutes or form a series of episodes waxing and waning for a period of hours.

Comparison to a Panic Attack

According to the DSM-IV description a Limited Symptom Attack is quite simply a panic attack with less than 4 symptoms. In contrast, a full blown panic attack must include 4 or more symptoms.

See also


Shioriri, T. , Someya, T. et. al (1997) Department of Psychiatry, Shiga University of Medical Science, Otsu, Japan.

Katerndahl, David (2003) The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas

Anxiety B.C.

Anti Stress Center (2002)

Mind Disorders

Panic and Anxiety Disorders

Centres for Anxiety Disorders and Trauma

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Limited_symptom_attack". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia.
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