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Figments of Reality

Figments of Reality
Author Jack Cohen and Ian Stewart
Country UK
Language English
Subject(s) Sociobiology
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Publication date 1997
Pages 339
ISBN ISBN 0-52-157155-3

Figments of Reality: The Evolution of the Curious Mind (1997) is a book about the evolution of the intelligent and conscious human mind by biologist Jack Cohen and mathematician Ian Stewart.

In this book Cohen and Stewart give their ideas on how the sentient human being evolved. Various chapters discuss scientific and philosophical ideas such as emergence and chaos, free will, perception versus reality, objectivity versus subjectivity, self-awareness, the ego and id, groupthink, and extelligence. A theme is that intelligence is an inevitable result of letting evolution progress for long enough.

Topics are illustrated with humorous science fiction snippits dealing with a hypothetical alien intelligence, the Zarathustrians, whom Cohen and Stewart use as metaphors of the human mind itself, an alternative evolution story, and various philosophical concepts.


  • Jack Cohen and Ian Stewart: Figments of Reality: The Evolution of the Curious Mind, Cambridge University Press, 1997, ISBN 0-52-157155-3

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