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Exertion is a concept describing the use of physical or perceived energy. It normally connotates a strenuous or costly effort related to physical, philosophical actions and work.



In psychological terms exertion is a perceived measure of expenditure or cost. Conceptually it is also used to describe the use of power (sociological or mental) - like in (violent) force or will (philosophy), but also in economics as in cost. Philosophically it is used as a concept or percept for something different than rest - i.e activity, indicating some sort of decision making or motivation - like instinctal drive.


In physics exertion is use of energy against, or for, inertia as described by Isaac Newton's First Law of Motion. In mechanics it describes use of force against a body in direction of its motion (see vector).


In medical terms exertion is the expenditure of energy by skeletal muscles. The intensity of this action can be measured by the rate of which oxygen is expended, heat is produced and heart rate. A frequently used term is rating of perceived exertion or RPE-scale which is use of a scale to indicate a quantitive feeling of fatigue.


Exertion can be proxied or extended when applied to various human-machine interfaces, like prosthesis, remote control - even for games.

See also

  • exercise
  • energy
  • cost
  • inertia

  • volition (psychology)
  • decision theory
  • Ferdinand Tönnies [as in will (sociology)]
  • Friedrich Nietzsche [as in strong-willed, drive and will (philosophy)]

  • Leonhard Euler
  • Isaac Newton


  • First Person Physics, First Person Physics:Wooing the Second Tier, (essay part of) project proposal to National Science Foundation, 2004
  • Principle of least action, Euler, 1748, Reflexions sur quelques loix generales de la nature

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