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European Journal of Palliative Care

Launched in 1994, the European Journal of Palliative Care (EJPC) is the European Association for Palliative Care’s official journal. Its remit is to publish relevant, informative and beneficial material on the latest advances in palliative care across Europe and thus provide a communication channel through which all healthcare professionals can share experience and expertise.

The EJPC aims to contribute to the advancements of skills and expertise offered by the diverse range of individuals involved in the provision of palliative care across Europe. Published in English by Hayward Medical Communications, the journal is designed to be of direct and practical relevance to the following healthcare groups: palliative care specialists, GPs, nurses, medical and clinical oncologists, anaesthetists, pain specialists, geriatricians, AIDS specialists, psychiatrists/psychologists, social workers and all other healthcare professionals involved in the provision of palliative care.

The content covers all aspects of the care of patients with advanced, incurable diseases, and contributions are welcomed from members of every discipline involved in palliative care.

EJPC is available only by subscription.

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "European_Journal_of_Palliative_Care". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia.
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