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Erosion (dental)Erosion is the loss of tooth structure due to chemical dissolution by acids not of bacterial origin. Erosion is found initially in the enamel and, if unchecked, may proceed to the underlying dentin. Additional recommended knowledgeThe most common cause of erosion is by acidic foods and drinks. In general, foods and drinks with a pH below 5.0-5.7 have been known to trigger dental erosion effects. [1] There are numerous clinical and laboratory reports linking erosion to excessive consumption of soft drinks such as fruit drinks, fruit juices such as lemon juices with high a concentration of citric acid and carbonated drinks such as colas (in this case, the carbonic acid is not the cause of erosion, but citric and phosphoric acid). Additionally, wine has been shown to erode teeth, with the pH of wine as low as 3.0-3.8. [1] Other possible sources of erosive acids are from exposure to chlorinated swimming pool water, and regurgitation of gastric acids. Signs of tooth destruction from erosion is a common characteristic in the mouths of people with bulimia since vomiting results in exposure of the oral cavity to gastric acids. Frequently, the appearance is a broad, rounded concavity. There can be evidence of wear on surfaces of teeth not expected to be in contact with one another. If it occurs in children, there can be loss of enamel surface characteristics. Amalgam restorations in the mouth may be clean and non-tarnished. When the etiology of dental erosion is intrinsic, caused by gastric acid that comes in contact with the teeth, it is known as perimolysis. Perimolysis occurs in individuals that vomit frequently or reflux such as patients with anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). See alsoReferences
This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Erosion_(dental)". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia. |
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