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The European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer or EORTC is an international non-profit organisation that develops, coordinates and stimulates cancer laboratory and clinical research in Europe. The mission of the EORTC is to improve the standard of cancer treatment and to facilitate the passage of experimental discoveries into state-of-the–art treatment.

About 2500 cancer specialists at more than 300 institutions around Europe work together within the EORTC organization. About 100 different EORTC clinical trials reach 6 500 new patients every year.

The EORTC headquarter is located in Woluwe-Saint-Lambert/Sint-Lambrechts-Woluwe, Brussels, Belgium.

Board 2006 - 2009

M. Piccart, Brussels

Past President:
A. Eggermont, Rotterdam

T. Tursz, Villejuif

Secretary General:
P. Schöffski, Leuven

C. Sternberg, Rome

Chairman, Clinical Research Division:
R. Stupp, Lausanne

Chairman, Laboratory Research Division:
I. Stratford, Manchester

Chairman, IDMC:
R. Kaplan, Leeds

Chairman, Membership Committee:
A.T. van Oosterom, Leuven

Chairman, NDAC:
D. Cameron, Edinburgh

Chairman, Protocol Review Committee:
O.S. Nielsen, Aarhus   Chairman, Quality Assurance Committee:
T. de Witte, Nijmegen

Chairman, Scientific Audit Committee:
P. de Mulder, Nijmegen

Chairman, TRAC:
I. Stratford, Manchester

Director General:
Françoise Meunier, Brussels

M. Aapro, Genolier
T. Cufer, Ljubljana
P. Hohenberger, Mannheim
J. Jassem, Gdańsk
I. Judson, London
A. Spatz, Villejuif
H. van Poppel, Leuven

See also

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