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Dose calibrator

A dose calibrator (radioisotope calibrator) is a device used in radiological research that measures the total amount of a radionuclide in units of curies (Ci) or millicuries (mCi), or in the SI units becquerels (Bq) with an appropriate prefix. It consists of a hollow, lead shielded cylinder, in which samples of radionuclides are lowered for measurement. It can be programmed for 8 specific isotopes, or adjusted by dial for isotopes not in the program. It is commonly used to obtain quick measures of the total radioactivity of isotopes prior to administration to patients and animals, or further processing in chemical synthesis. A typical unit is the "CRC-15" model, produced by Capintec.

Dose Calibrators are Shielded Ion chambers with preset settings(which can be manually adjusted) for specific isotopes, which can give an apporximate yet prompt reading based upon the preprogramed settings. It is very useful in the clinical environment due to its immediate readings.

additional information about dose calibrators can be found at

A few companies that manufacture dose calibrators:
Veenstra Intruments

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