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Don R. Swanson

Don R. Swanson (born October 10, 1924) is an American information scientist, most renowned for his work in literature-based discovery in the biomedical domain. His particular method has been used as a model for further work, and is often referred to as Swanson linking. He has been professor emeritus of the University of Chicago since 1996, but remains active in a post-retirement appointment to this date.

Swanson received his B.S. in Physics at CalTech, Pasadena, California in 1945, followed by an M.A at Rice Institute, Houston, Texas, two years later. He worked as a physicist at various laboratories until 1963, when he was made a professor at the University of Chicago, where he remains today.

In 2000, he was awarded the ASIST Award of Merit, the highest honor of the society, for his "lifetime achievements in research and scholarship." [1]


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