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Cypress Systems

Cypress Systems, Inc. is a biotech company headquartered in Fresno, California and is best known for its research, in collaboration with the National Cancer Institute (NCI), regarding the use of selenium supplementation for the prevention of a variety of cancers.[1] Cypress Systems, Inc. also manufactures selenium, zinc, and chromium for the nutraceutical industry.

In 1983, the now-deceased Dr. Larry C. Clark conducted a NPC study. This historical trial illustrated that selenium supplementation prevented a variety of cancers.[2] Since the trial of Dr. Larry Clark, numerous studies have found similar results of selenium being an effective agent in the prevention of a variety of cancers. (See a review of the studies in Selenium#Cancer).

Cypress focuses on the prevention of cancer through selenium supplementation, and addresses related health problems through a comprehensive health stewardship program. Much research is also being conducting in the area of selenium as an intervention agent in the prevention of AIDS and heart disease.


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