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Crabwalking is a form of locomotion by humans that puts both hands and feet in contact with the ground while facing upwards. Movement is achieved by bending the knees and extending the arms. Due to its inefficiency, it is more commonly used as a form of exercise than actual transportation. Crabwalking builds tricep endurance [1] and arm and leg strength, and is a recommended exercise of various school athletic departments and soccer organizations (such as USA Football.

Resting in crabwalk position is achieved by lowering one's buttocks to the floor; this can also be done between crabwalk steps instead of keeping the buttocks raised indefinitely.

Crabwalking is the form of locomotion used in crab soccer.

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Crabwalking". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia.
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