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United States of America
Breed standards (external links)
For the snack food, see Cheetos.

The Cheetoh cat is derived from crossings between specific Bengal cat and an Ocicat bloodlines.

Its main distinguishing characteristics, apart from its spots and sleek, plush, velvety coat, is its low shouldered "wildcat" walk. Males grow to around 15-22lbs. Females are slightly smaller & seldom reach more than 15lbs.

They are currently bred in six color varieties - the Black/Brown Spotted Sienna, the Black/Brown Spotted Gold, the Black Spotted Smoke, the Black Spotted Silver, the Lynx Pointed Gold Spotted Snow, Brown Spotted\Cinnamon.

The Cheetoh was recognized as a breed in November 2004 by the United Feline Organization (UFO) and is registered through them. They are also currently registered as an experimental breed with The International Cat Association (TICA).

The Cheetoh is noted for its superb temperament and is said to be a gentle, mild mannered cat, very sociable, loving and dependable. It displays intelligence and curiosity.

A few seemingly disgruntled Bengal, Ocicat and other hybrid cat breeders have expressed that the Cheetoh is essentially a 'mutt' between two breeds. They base their reasoning on the issue that some of the original Bengal breeders had used the Ocicat breed early on in its lineage, but the fact is that the Bengal lineage was never consistent enough to be able to lay claim to this therefore holds no merit.

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Cheetoh". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia.
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