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Cera Products

Cera Products Inc. is an American developer and manufacturer of a rice-based oral rehydration therapy [1] (ORT) product. The company was founded in 1993 along with physicians at Johns Hopkins University, to develop, manufacture and distribute rice-based oral rehydration solutions (ORS).



The development of Cera Product’s oral rehydration therapy (ORT) products began in Bangladesh at the International Center for Diarrheal Disease Research in Dhaka (ICDDRB) [2] during the 1980s. It was at the ICDDRB where Cera Products Inc. president, Charlene Riikonen, Drs. David Sack and W. B. Greenough III met and worked together with the intention of preventing unnecessary suffering, severe illnesses and death by assisting individuals who were afflicted with dehydration and diarrhea. After returning to the U.S., they were determined to develop an oral rehydration therapy (ORT) product that was faster, more effective, and better tolerated than the glucose-based ORS product. In 1996, as part of an ongoing clinical research and product development relationship with Johns Hopkins University physicians Dr. William Greenough, and Dr. David Sack, Cera Products Inc. undertook clinical studies and after the initial results applied for its patents and began to manufacture CeraLyte ORS. In 1997 the core technology and formulations that comprise Cera’s products were awarded a U.S. patent. A second patent was applied for in 2004 currently pending.[citation needed]


Cera Products’ oral electrolyte products are non-carbonated and based on a rice formulation that contains a mixed chain carbohydrate preserving the rice protein and other attributes inherent in rice. This formulation has been evaluated in over 15 laboratory and clinical studies with additional studies continuing. [3] The products are appropriate for all ages and conditions with volume deletion and dehydration. [4] [5]

Specific products







Cera Products Inc. manufactures its products under Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), under USDA and/or FDA oversight and inspection, and World Health Organization (WHO) standards for electrolyte formulations. CeraLyte holds the National Nutritional Foods Association (NNFA) Tru-label certification and is gluten-free.[citation needed]


  • Hirschhorn, N. & Greenough, WBG III. Progress in Oral Rehydration Therapy. Scientific American 1991; 264: 50-56
  • Ochoa, Juan G. Electrolyte Therapy for Refractory Seizures in Familial Dysautonomia. Epilepsia 2004; 45 (11): 1461-1462. Published by the International League Against Epilepsy.
  • Warren JL, Bacon E, Harris T, McBean AM, Foley D, Phillips C. The Burden and Outcomes Associated with Dehydration among US Elderly, 1991. Am J Public Health 1994; 84:1265-69.
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