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Apotex is a Canadian pharmaceutical corporation. It was founded in 1974, and has become the largest producer of generic drugs in Canada. According to [1], Apotex currently produces more than 260 generic pharmaceuticals in approximately 4000 dosages. The company’s pharmaceuticals can be found in virtually every pharmacy and healthcare facility in Canada and are exported to over 115 countries around the globe. Bernard (Barry) Sherman, one of the richest Canadians, is the CEO, and Jack M. Kay is the President.

Apotex owns 61% of Cangene Corp., a Winnipeg-based biopharmaceutical company, according to Cangene's 2007 annual report. Cangene's business focuses are hyperimmunes, contract manufacturing, biopharmaceuticals and biodefense against infectious diseases such as smallpox, hepatitis B and anthrax. Its products include WinRho® SDF.


In June 2006, during the Liberal Party of Canada campaign to select a new leader to the party, Apotex's directors and their children all gave money to Joe Volpe for his campaign allegedly to circumvent donation limits. See [2].

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