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C. Arden Pope

C. Arden Pope III, is an American professor of economics at Brigham Young University. He received his B.S. degree from Brigham Young University in 1978 and his Ph.D. in economics and statistics from Iowa State University in 1981. Although his research includes many papers on topics in the fields in which he was trained—environmental economics, resource economics, and agricultural economics—he is probably better known for his cross-disciplinary work in environmental epidemiology and public health, especially for his seminal studies of the effects of particulate air pollution on mortality and health. His articles have helped establish the connection between air pollution and health problems, including cancer and cardiovascular disease. These research findings have influenced environmental policy in the United States and Europe, contributing to the establishment of emission standards for particulates.

In 2004 Pope was awarded the Utah Governor's Medal in Science and Technology. In 2007 Dr. Pope was recognized as BYU's distinguished faculty through reception of the Karl G. Maiser award.


  • Smart, Michael D. (Spring 2007). "Clearing the Air". BYU Magazine. Retrieved on 2007-05-22.

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