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Bone Marrow Donors Worldwide

Bone Marrow Donors Worldwide
FoundedLeiden, NL (1986)
HeadquartersLeiden, NL
IndustryHealth Care

Bone Marrow Donors Worldwide (BMDW) is an organization based in Leiden, Netherlands, that coordinates the collection of the HLA phenotypes of volunteer hematopoietic cell donors and cord blood units.

BMDW participants (as of March 2007) are 58 hematopoietic cell donor registries from 43 countries, and 39 cord blood banks from 21 countries.

The current number of donors and cord blood units in the BMDW database is 11,161,332 (last updated: 27-Mar-2007).

There are currently 608 users from 433 organisations authorised to perform online searches of registries and cord blood banks participating with the BMDW.



Started in 1988 with its office in Leiden (the Netherlands), the BMDW Editorial Board consists of one representative of each stem cell donor registry or cord blood bank participating in BMDW, and meets twice a year to discuss achievements and necessary improvements.

BMDW is a service provided and managed by Europdonor Foundation.

Mission Statement

BMDW is a voluntary collaborative effort of stem cell donor registries and cord blood banks whose goal is to provide centralised information on the HLA phenotypes and other relevant data of unrelated stem cell donors and cord blood units and to make this information easily accessible to the physicians of patients in need of a hematopoietic stem cell transplant.

Main Goals

The original goal to collect the HLA phenotypes of volunteer stem cell donors and cord blood units, and to co-ordinate their world-wide distribution remain our primary goals. But new initiatives have been added:

  • To maximise the chance of finding a stem cell donor or cord blood unit by providing access to all stem cell donors and cord blood units available in the world.
  • To minimise the effort required for stem cell donor or cord blood unit searches: only registries with potential stem cell donors or cord blood units need to be contacted.
  • To provide an estimate of the chance of finding a stem cell donor or cord blood unit for a given patient.
  • To provide advanced search programs to identify partially matched stem cell donors or cord blood units.
  • To facilitate search advice requests via the Internet.
  • To facilitate improvements in family search strategies.
  • To provide relevant general information for the benefit of the patient.
  • To provide statistics on the increase of different registries, the number of DNA typed donors, etc.

External sources

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Bone_Marrow_Donors_Worldwide". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia.
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