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Blood boosting

Blood Boosting, sometimes called blood packing or blood doping, is a means to improve athletic performance through manipulation of blood chemistry/composition timed around athletic events.


The practice most commonly known as blood boosting or "blood doping" involves removing plasma about two months before the event in question. The body replenishes itself in that time, and then shortly before the event, said plasma is injected back into the bloodstream causing a useful surplus of blood cells. It is possible to use plasma from other individuals as well, albeit with the normal risks. This type of blood boosting is known as Erythrocythemia.

Other practices include high-altitude training and other use of artificial environments or medications to cause the body to adjust its blood composition.


Most forms of blood boosting have in recent times been banned from a number of athletic events, including the Olympics (in 1984). Some events test participants for elevated red blood cell counts--a sign of blood boosting.

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Blood_boosting". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia.
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