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A biochemist is a scientist trained and dedicated to producing results in the discipline of biochemistry. Typically biochemists study chemical processes and chemical transformations in living organisms. The prefix of "bio" in "biochemist" can be understood as a fusion of "biological chemist."



The most common "industry" role is to develop biochemical products and processes. This can be done by conducting in vitro research, analysis, synthesis and experimentation. Identifying substances' chemical and physical properties in biological systems is of great importance, and can be carried out by doing various types of analysis'. Biochemists must also prepare technical reports after collecting, analyzing and summarizing the information and trends found.

In biochemistry, researchers often break down complicated biological systems into its component parts. The word "chemistry" is in biochemistry because of the molecular focus of biochemistry. Understanding biochemistry requires good understanding of organic and inorganic chemistry.


A degree in biochemistry or a related science such as chemistry is the minimum requirement for any work in this field. This is sufficient for a position as a technical assistant in industry or in academic settings. A Ph.D. (or equivalent) is generally required to pursue or direct independent research. To advance further in commercial environments, one may need to acquire skills in management.

In college, students take many biology and chemistry classes in addition to the required calculus, physics, and other core classes. Basic classes in biology including (but not limed to) microbiology, molecular biology, molecular genetics, cell biology, and genomics are focussed on. All types of chemistry are required with emphasis on biochemistry and organic chemistry.

Biochemistry is a highly demanding and difficult field. Because of the amount or research done, even at the undergraduate level, biochemistry is not usually recommended to those actively participating in sports or other extracurricular activities.


The most common area of employment for biochemists is in the life sciences field where biochemists frequently work in the pharmaceutical/biotechnology industry. In this field biochemists would primarily be performing research and development. With a B.S. one would initially be working as a lab assistant with limited other options. With a master's degree one would be able to pursue independent research. Typically, a Ph.D is required to perform higher level research or lead a research team. Senior researchers commonly travel to conferences and seminars as part of their work. The current national average salary for a biochemist (B.S, M.A., and Ph.D.) is approximately $75,000 per year. In some areas this average may be as high as $100,000+.

Academia is also a promising avenue for biochemists. As principal investigators at an academic institution, biochemists can pursue their own research agenda. It is not uncommon for biochemists in academia to also be involved with their own biochemistry start-up companies. Biochemists in academia are also involved with teaching undergraduates, training graduate students and collaborating with post-doctoral fellows. Biochemistry in academia, despite its perks, is an extremely competitive career and the pressure to publish is high. Approximately 50% of biochemists work in academia or work along side of those in academia.

Because of a biochemists' background in both biology and chemistry, there are many other employment areas such as medical, industrial, governmental and environmental fields. The field of medicine offers related careers such as nutrition, genetics, biophysics and pharmacology; industrial needs include everything from beverage and food technology to toxicology and vaccine production; while governmental and environmental fields require biochemists to work on everything from forensic science and wildlife management to marine biology and viticulture. This incredibly wide range makes biochemistry an extremely flexible career choice.

See also


  • Job guide for New South Wales & Australian Capital Territory, 2005
This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Biochemist". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia.
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