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BBCH-scale (root and stem vegetable)

The BBCH-scale (root and stem vegetables) identifies the phenological development stages of the root and stem vegetables (Carrot = Daucus carota ssp. sativus, celeriac = Apium graveolens var. rapaceum, kohlrabi = Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes, chicory = Cichorium intybus var. foliosum, radish = Raphanus sativus ssp., swede = Brassica napus ssp. rapifera, scorzonera = Scorzonera hispanica). It is a plant species specific version of the BBCH-scale.

Phenological growth stages and BBCH-identification keys of root and stem vegetables
Code Description
Principal growth stage 0: Germination
00 Dry seed
01 Beginning of seed imbibition
03 Seed imbibition complete
05 Radicle emerged from seed
07 Hypocotyl with cotyledons breaking through seed coat
09 Emergence: cotyledons break through soil surface
Principal growth stage 1: Leaf development (Main shoot)
10 Cotyledons completely unfolded; growing point or true leaf initial visible
11 First true leaf unfolded
12 2nd true leaf unfolded
13 3rd true leaf unfolded
1 . Stages continuous till . . .
19 9 or more true leaves unfolded
Principal growth stage 4: Development of harvestable vegetative plant parts
41 Roots beginning to expand (diameter > 0,5 cm)
42 20% of the expected root diameter reached
43 30% of the expected root diameter reached
44 40% of the expected root diameter reached
45 50% of the expected root diameter reached
46 60% of the expected root diameter reached
47 70% of the expected root diameter reached
48 80% of the expected root diameter reached
49 Expansion complete; typical form and size of roots reached
Principal growth stage 5: Inflorescence emergence
51 Main shoot begins to elongate
53 30% of the expected height of the main shoot reached
55 First individual flowers of main inflorescence visible (still closed)
57 First individual flowers of secondary inflorescences visible (still closed)
59 First flower petals visible; flowers still closed
Principal growth stage 6: Flowering
60 First flowers open (sporadically)
61 Beginning of flowering: 10% of flowers open
62 20% of flowers open
63 30% of flowers open
64 40% of flowers open
65 Full flowering: 50% of flowers open
67 Flowering finishing: majority of petals fallen or dry
69 End of flowering
Principal growth stage 7: Development of fruit
71 First fruits formed
72 20% of fruits have reached typical size
73 30% of fruits have reached typical size
74 40% of fruits have reached typical size
75 50% of fruits have reached typical size
76 60% of fruits have reached typical size
77 70% of fruits have reached typical size
78 80% of fruits have reached typical size
79 Fruits have reached typical size
Principal growth stage 8: Rispening of fruit and seed
81 Beginning of ripening: 10% of fruits ripe, or 10% of seeds of typical colour, dry and hard
85 50% of the fruits ripe, or 50% of seeds of typical colour, dry and hard
89 Fully ripe: seeds on the whole plant of typical colour and hard
Principal growth stage 9: Senescence
92 Leaves and shoots beginning to discolour
95 50% of leaves yellow or dead
97 Plants or above ground parts dead
99 Harvested product (seeds)


Feller, C.; H. Bleiholder, L. Buhr, H. Hack, M. Hess, R. Klose, U. Meier, R. Stauss, T. van den Boom, E. Weber (1995). "Phänologische Entwicklungsstadien von Gemüsepflanzen: I. Zwiebel-, Wurzel-, Knollen- und Blattgemüse.". Nachrichtenbl. Deut. Pflanzenschutzd. 47: 193-206.

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "BBCH-scale_(root_and_stem_vegetable)". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia.
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