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Arbovirus box is a shortened name given to viruses that are transmitted by arthropods, or arthropod-borne viruses [1].

Some Arboviruses are able to cause emergent diseases. Arthropods are able to transmit the virus upon biting allowing the virus to enter the bloodstream which can cause viraemia.

The majority of the Arboviruses are spherical in shape although a few are rod shaped. They are 17-150 nm in diameter and all have a RNA genome. These viruses do not normally infect humas but if they do, they usually cause a mild infection such as a fever or a rash. Others however are epidemic and can cause serious infections such as meningitis and encephalitis that can be fatal.

There are ways of preventing these infections from occurring such as using mosquito repellents and getting rid of the breeding grounds that mosquitoes use. Insecticides can also be used. People can also reduce the risk of getting bitten by the mosquito by wearing protective clothing.

The immune system plays a role in defense against the infections. Arboviruses usually stimulate interferon. Antibodies are made and these can prevent viraemia from occurring. The cell mediated immunity is also important.

Arbovirus infections can be diagnosed by carrying out ELISA and PCR techniques. Complement fixation can also be used.

List of arboviruses (not complete)


  1. ^ CDC Information on Arboviral Encephalitides. Retrieved on 2007-02-07.
This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Arbovirus". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia.
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