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Anti-ganglioside antibodies
Additional recommended knowledge
Antibodies to Ganglioside subtypesAutoantigenic gangliosides that are currently known are GD3, GM1, GQ3 and GT1. Anti-GD3Anti-GD3 antibodies have been found in association with specific forms of Guillain-Barre syndrome. In vivo studies of isolated anti-GM1 and GD3 antibodies indicate the antibodies can interfere with motor neuron function.[2] Anti-GD1a antibodies were highly associated acute motor axonal neuropathy while high titers of anti-GM1 were more frequent indicating that GD1a possibly targets the axolemma and nodes of Ranvier[3] most of the Ab+ patients had C. jejuni infections. Patients with Anti-GalNAc-GD1a antibodies were less common but had more severe disease (rapidly progressive, predominantly distal weakness).[4] Anti-GM1Levels of anti-GM1 are elevated in patients with various forms of dementia.[5] Antibodies levels correlate with more severe Guillain-Barré syndrome.[6] In Japan, levels to GM1 were elevated in patients with prodromal diarrhea.[7] Titers to GM1 in other diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, primary Sjögren's syndrome and systemic lupus erythematosus) was also elevated.[8] additionally highly significant association was found with rheumatoid arthritis and peripheral neuropathies.[9] Conflicting evidence suggests no significant elevation in motor neuron neuropathy but marginally elevated IgA in sensory neuron neuropathies.[10] The autoimmune role of anti-GM1 is still unclear. Anti-GQ1bAnti-GQ1b are found in Miller-Fisher syndrome. Studies of these antibodies reveal large disruption of the Schwann cells. [11] Anti-GQ1b IgG levels were elevated in patients with ophthalmoplegia in Gullian-Barré syndrome[7] Triggering agentsMicrobial agents include: Campylobacter jejuni and Mycoplasma pneumoniae.[12] Campylobacter jejuniAntibodies to a GM1 epitope as well as to one with the GT1a or GD3 epitope were found in different strains of Campylobacter jejuni[13] and patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome have a high occurrence of C. jejuni infection[14]. Many studies indicate that C. jejuni may be causative for a subset of some forms of neuropathies. Coeliac diseaseAntibodies to ganglioside are found to be elevated in coeliac disease.[15] Recent studies show that gliadin can cross-linke to gangliosides in a transglutaminase indepedent manner, indicating that gliadin specific T-cell could present these antigens to the immune system.[16] Immunoglobin isotypesIgG. In multiple sclerosis, antibodies to GM1 are dominated by the IgG1, IgG3 and IgG4.[17] Also anti-GM1 IgG has been identified in Guillain-Barré syndrome or chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy.[18] while controlled studies failed to find any significant association with these disease.[19] IgA. IgA to gangliosides have been observe in Gullien-Barre' syndrome. IgM. IgM antibodies have been detected in early work but their significance in disease is controversial. References
Categories: Autoantibodies | Antibodies | Autoimmune diseases |
This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Anti-ganglioside_antibodies". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia. |
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