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Annals of Internal Medicine

Annals of Internal Medicine
Abbreviated title Ann Intern Med
Discipline Internal Medicine
Language English
Edited by Harold C. Sox
Publication details
Publisher American College of Physicians (U.S.A)
Publication history founded 1927
Frequency 24 per year
Open access after 6 months
Impact factor 14.8 (2006)
ISSN 0003-4819 (print)
1539-3704 (web)
LCCN 43032966
OCLC 1481385
  • Journal homepage

Annals of Internal Medicine (Ann Intern Med) is an academic medical journal published by the American College of Physicians (ACP). It publishes research articles and reviews in the area of internal medicine. Its current editor is Harold C. Sox.

Annals of Internal Medicine had a 2006 impact factor of 14.8, which makes it among the most-cited of general clinical medical journals, only exceeded by JAMA, The Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine. In 2005, Annals' circulation approximated 90,000.


Founded in 1927, Annals of Internal Medicine has been published twice monthly since 1988. Former Editor-in-Chief, Edward Huth, has published details of the journal's history.[1][2]

Medical publishing innovations by the journal include:

1987: Proposal for structured abstracts published in the April issue; first structured abstracts published.

1994: Research on the effects of peer review.[3][4][5]

1997: Guidelines for the use of Bayesian interpretation of significance testing included in information for authors.

1999: Summaries for patients introduced for original research articles.

2003: Editors' notes introduced to summarize the articles' findings, implications, and limitations.

2004: Limitations section added to standard structured abstracts.

Online availability

An archive of issues from 1993 is available at the journal's website in text and PDF (from 1999) formats. Material over six months old is freely accessible, and access to all papers is also provided free of charge to developing countries.


  1. ^ Huth EJ, Van Steenburgh KC (1977). "Annals of Internal Medicine: the first 50 years". Ann. Intern. Med. 87 (1): 103-10. PMID 327884.
  2. ^ Huth EJ, Case K (2002). "Annals of Internal Medicine at age 75: reflections on the past 25 years". Ann. Intern. Med. 137 (1): 34-45. PMID 12093243.
  3. ^ Goodman SN, Berlin J, Fletcher SW, Fletcher RH (1994). "Manuscript quality before and after peer review and editing at Annals of Internal Medicine". Ann. Intern. Med. 121 (1): 11-21. PMID 8198342.
  4. ^ Justice AC, Berlin JA, Fletcher SW, Fletcher RH, Goodman SN (1994). "Do readers and peer reviewers agree on manuscript quality?". JAMA 272 (2): 117-9. PMID 8015119.
  5. ^ Roberts JC, Fletcher RH, Fletcher SW (1994). "Effects of peer review and editing on the readability of articles published in Annals of Internal Medicine". JAMA 272 (2): 119-21. PMID 8015120.
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