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American Society of Clinical Oncology

About ASCO

The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) is the world's leading professional organization representing physicians of all oncology subspecialties who care for people with cancer. Founded in 1964 by Drs. Fred Ansfield, Harry Bisel, Herman Freckman, Arnoldus Goudsmit, Robert Talley, William Wilson, and Jane Wright, ASCO's nearly 25,000 members from the United States and abroad set the standard for patient care worldwide. ASCO members lead the fight for more effective cancer treatments, increased funding for clinical and translational research, and, ultimately, cures for the many different types of cancer that strike an estimated 10 million people worldwide each year.

ASCO Mission Statement

As a non-profit organization, ASCO is dedicated to achieving its charitable mission outlined by the organization's founders in 1964. ASCO strongly supports all types of cancer research, but in particular, patient-oriented clinical research.

ASCO is committed to:

IMPROVING cancer care and prevention;

ADVANCING the education of physicians and other professionals in the care of patients with cancer, and supporting research and the development of clinical cancer researchers;

FOSTERING communication among cancer-related medical subspecialties and the exchange of a wide range of ideas related to cancer, including its biology, prevention, diagnosis, staging, treatment, and psychosocial impact;

ADVOCATING public policy that ensures patient access to high-quality cancer care and that supports increased clinical cancer research; and

ASSISTING oncologists in addressing the challenges of the modern day practice of oncology.

ASCO's Physician Education

ASCO offers several educational resources for cancer physicians and other health care professionals in the field of clinical oncology. These resources include scientific meetings, educational conferences, professional workshops, and special symposia on issues of particular relevance and importance to clinical oncologists and researchers.

ASCO publishes numerous journals, books, newsletters, and online and multimedia resources. In addition to producing People Living With Cancer (, ASCO publishes the Journal of Clinical Oncology (JCO), the preeminent, peer-reviewed, medical journal on clinical cancer research, and the Journal of Oncology Practice (JOP), the authoritative resource for practicing oncologists making day-to-day decisions regarding clinical and administrative management. ASCO also publishes special curricula to address specific educational needs of cancer professionals. The ASCO Curriculum Series is intended to enrich the education and training of residents, fellows, and practicing physicians, with the ultimate goal of promoting high quality cancer care.

ASCO Annual Meeting

The ASCO Annual Meeting is considered the premiere international forum for the presentation of scientific research and state-of-the-art education in clinical oncology. The five-day event attracts 30,000 attendees from around the world. Clinical trial results and updates presented at ASCO's Annual Meeting represent the significant progress made each year in the fight against cancer.

The ASCO Foundation

The ASCO Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that supports educational programs of the highest quality in cancer care and prevention; facilitates the dissemination of information about cancer and cancer treatment to patients and their families; and, through its grants program, supports, encourages, and recognizes excellence in clinical research in the field of oncology.

The ASCO Foundation Grants Program is among the largest of any medical professional society in the United States and provides funding for a multitude of innovative research initiatives, including the Young Investigator Award, the Career Development Award, and the Merit Award.

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "American_Society_of_Clinical_Oncology". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia.
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