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Alzheimer's Research Trust

The Alzheimer's Research Trust is the United Kingdom's leading dementia research charity. It is dedicated to funding scientific studies to find ways to treat, cure or prevent Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia, Lewy Body disease and fronto-temporal dementia.

The ultimate goal of the charity is to find a treatment that will cure or prevent Alzheimer's and related diseases. The charity supports scientific and medical research to make progress towards that goal. They have funded over 150 research grants across the UK. All of their research is carried out in leading institutions by top scientists.

Grant applications to the Alzheimer's Research Trust undergo a rigorous peer review process and are assessed extensively by a Scientific Advisory Board. The Trust fund the most innovative and promising UK research in any area of dementia from the most talented scientists in top research environments. The Alzheimer's Research Trust's groundbreaking research programme is recognized by its membership of the Association of Medical Research Charities. As a charity, the Trust does not receive any government funding and instead relies on donations from individuals, companies and charitable trusts, money raised by individuals and gifts left in people's Wills to fund vital research work.


This information has been taken from the Alzheimer's Research Trust,

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Alzheimer's_Research_Trust". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia.
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