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AIDS Calgary

AIDS Calgary is an ASO (AIDS Service Oraginzation) in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Founded in 1983, AIDS Calgary has helped people learn about, prevent and live with HIV/AIDS.


Mission Statement

To reduce the harm associated with HIV and AIDS for all individuals and communities in the Calgary region by providing HIV prevention and education; support and enhance the quality of life and advocate on behalf of people living with HIV; promoting awareness and understanding of HIV issues; working with partners in the community to create a caring and compassionate society in the face of HIV and AIDS.

Vision Statement

Empowered lives in a compassionate society in the face of HIV/AIDS.

Programs and Services

ADVOCACY AND REFERRAL - Helping clients access appropriate services through links to other organizations. Referrals include food, shelter and counselling, along with support in getting through red tape.

COMPLEMENTARY HEALTH SERVICES - Yoga, chiropractic services, and therapeutic touch offered some Friday afternoons.

COUNSELLING AND SUPPORT - Drop-in, by-phone, or scheduled appointments.

GREENBOUGH FUND - Provides clients in need with emergency financial assistance. Includes financial assistance for transportation and child care expenses.

HEAT (HIV EDUCATION AND PREVENTION TODAY) - Outreach, education and prevention resource for men who have sex with men, topics including coming out and homophobia.

SHIFT - Works with adults involved in the sex trade to assist in improving quality of life and reaching individualized goals.

HIV/AIDS INFORMATION RESOURCE CENTRE AND HOTLINE - Information on HIV/AIDS, STI’s and Hepatitis C. Community resources and telephone support.

OUTREACH SERVICES - HIV education and prevention with high-risk groups. On the street, in shelters, addiction centres and more.

PRISON PROJECT - Support services and information sessions in the prison system.

NUTRITIONAL PROGRAMS - Including Coffee Connection, Community Kitchen, Good Food boxes, Holiday Hamper program, and the Positive Living lunch program.

SAFER SEX SUPPLIES - Free condoms, lube, dental dams, gloves and information.

TRANSPORTATION AND CHILDCARE SUBSIDIES - For families with children accessing our services.

VOLUNTEERING OPPORTUNITIES - AIDS Calgary offers volunteer opportunities in client support, HIV prevention, outreach and fundraising.

YOUTHXCHANGE - YouthXChange is an outreach program that connects with youth where they are at, at various locations in Calgary.

WOMEN’S PROJECT - Support, information and resources for women living with HIV/AIDS and women at-risk.

SPEAKERS NETWORK - HIV/AIDS prevention and education program for schools. AIDS 101: Facts about HIV, and AIDS 201: Living with HIV/AIDS.

HUMAN RIGHTS AND ADVOCACY - Support and resources for people living with HIV/AIDS who experience discrimination and human rights issues.

WORKSHOPS - Development workshops on various issues around HIV/AIDS open to all interested parties including health professionals, community partners and volunteers.

External links

AIDS Calgary Awareness Association

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