10 Cell Analyzers Companies From Germany

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10 Cell Analyzers Companies From Germany

Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected cell analyzers companies by company type or industry.

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Ampha X30

Ampha X30 by Amphasys

Ampha X30 Single-Cell Analyzer: for the fast and accurate cell analysis

Efficient cell analysis of viability, count and cell status – without dyes, markers, and incubation

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fluidlab R-300 | Cell Counter & Spectrometer

fluidlab R-300 | Cell Counter & Spectrometer by anvajo

fluidlab R-300 | Cell Counter & Spectrometer

The first portable device that combines Cell Counting and Spectrometry

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BioProfile FLEX2

BioProfile FLEX2 by Nova Biomedical

Avoid cross-contamination in the bioreactor - Fully automated sampling and analysis

GMP-compliant solution for more efficient R&D and production

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BioProfile Fast CDV

BioProfile Fast CDV by Nova Biomedical

FDA-compliant cell analysis with high throughput rates

Automated cell density and viability measurement in just 1 minute

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ZE5 Cell Analyzer

ZE5 Cell Analyzer by Bio-Rad Laboratories

Fast and precise flow cytometry for high-throughput analyses

Reduce labour and increase productivity in drug discovery

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See the theme worlds for related content

Topic World Cell Analysis

Cell analyse advanced method allows us to explore and understand cells in their many facets. From single cell analysis to flow cytometry and imaging technology, cell analysis provides us with valuable insights into the structure, function and interaction of cells. Whether in medicine, biological research or pharmacology, cell analysis is revolutionizing our understanding of disease, development and treatment options.

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Topic World Cell Analysis

Topic World Cell Analysis

Cell analyse advanced method allows us to explore and understand cells in their many facets. From single cell analysis to flow cytometry and imaging technology, cell analysis provides us with valuable insights into the structure, function and interaction of cells. Whether in medicine, biological research or pharmacology, cell analysis is revolutionizing our understanding of disease, development and treatment options.

10+ products
5+ whitepaper
10+ brochures

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