About Bisantech
BISANTECH-NUOVA GmbH & Co. KG is an independant engineering company in Bitterfeld and in Leipzig.
Areas of Business
Plant planning and development of technology
supplier of chemical and pharmaceutical engineering
complete service for planning
transfer of the results of Search and Developement into industrial production
feasibility studies before investion
project management
Environmental engineering
environmental engineering for industrial production
environmental consulting
area of evaluation
Information technology
database management systems (DBMS) and geographic information systems (GIS)
data engineering
Data and process modelling with CASE
Communication technology (internet, intranet, CD-ROM, SGML)
production of phosphor-organical combinations and phosphor-chlorides, production of stage products of the colouring matter and pharmaceutical industry
production and processing of micro-algae with photobioreactors
all engineering for multiprocessing plants
- Focus : Service
- Industry : Production technology