About Dunn

Dunn Labortechnik GmbH was founded in 1982 by Peter William Dunn (now consultant) and Hannelore (Managing Director/CEO). Main business of the privately owned company is the distribution of laboratory equipment, consumables and immunoreagents throughout Germany and - depending on the product - the whole of Europe. Customers are research organizations and universities, research facilities of Biotech companies, pharma, chemistry and food industry, kit and chip manufacturers, and others.

Equipment Liquid Handling Systems for HTS, Protein Crystallization, Combinatorial Compound Arrays and Genomic Solutions (Art Robbins Instruments); Systems for the analysis of mechanical cell stress (Flexcell Tension and Compression Systems, 3D Culture and Shear Stress Systems, Tissue Engineering, Mechanobiology); Bioreactors, Fermenters and Culture Systems; Microbiological Safety Cabinets (all classes), Anaerobic and Hypoxia Chambers/Bactron; Sealers and Evaporators; Incubators, Roller Apparatus and general laboratory equipment.

Accessories and disposables Accessories for the above equipment; a range of disposables for cell and tissue culture; for the general lab, chemistry and chromatography a large selection of glass products and general plastic disposables; a wide range of plates and reservoirs; sealing foils; single and multichannel pipettes, and more. Immunoreagents for Research and Production

Antibodies, antigens, proteins and ELISA kits; Plasma, Sera and Complement -human and animal; Substrates and reagents (ELISA, IHC, Blot, Microarray).

Products to stabilize RNA, DNA and other biological samples at ambient temperature for transport and storage; Reagents for isolation of RNA, DNA and proteins; PCR reagents; Growth media, agarose products, etc.

Facts about Dunn
  • Focus : Distributor
  • Employees: 11-50
  • Industry : Laboratory equipment / supplies

Dunn Products in the Spotlight

Flexcell Zelldehnungsbioreaktoren für zelluläre Biomechanik-Anwendungen New

Flexcell Zelldehnungsbioreaktoren für zelluläre Biomechanik-Anwendungen by Dunn

Cell Stretching Bioreactors for Life Science Research

Used in over 1300 laboratories worldwide, and cited in over 9000 research publications

ECIS® Z-Theta von Applied BioPhysics New

ECIS® Z-Theta von Applied BioPhysics by Dunn

Impedance measurement of cell cultures

Observe your cells in a completely new way

Bactron 400 HP

Bactron 400 HP by Dunn

Innovative workbench for working under anaerobic and hypoxic conditions

Touchscreen control and data recording for microbiological applications

anaerobic workbenches
Singulator™ 100 and 200 von S2 Genomics

Singulator™ 100 and 200 von S2 Genomics by Dunn

Tissue dissociation - automatic, fast and precise

High yield with high viability from as little as 1 mg of solid tissue

tissue dissociation systems
Process Reactors

Process Reactors by Dunn

Borosilicate glass Process Reactors for both production and laboratory applications (300 ml to 100 l)

A broad range of synthesis process configurations available, including PTFE filter base reactors.


Here you will find Dunn Labortechnik GmbH

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