About Mundipharma
Mundipharma Ges.m.b.H. has existed in Austria since 1973. The focus of Mundipharma Ges.m.b.H. is on the development and marketing of preparations for the treatment of severe pain, for the oncological field and for the substitution therapy of opiate-dependent patients. Since its beginnings in the 1970s, Mundipharma has also made a name for itself in wound care.
Today, Mundipharma employs more than 60 people in Austria and is one of the 30 largest pharmaceutical companies in the country. The extensive portfolio of medicines with the highest quality standards is offered both in hospitals and for prescription by general practitioners.
Note: This article has been translated using a computer system without human intervention. LUMITOS offers these automatic translations to present a wider range of company presentation. Since this article has been translated with automatic translation, it is possible that it contains errors in vocabulary, syntax or grammar. The original article in German can be found here.
- Focus : Manufacturer
- Industry : Pharma